There are many ways to train your dog, whether you have a Bulldog or any other breed of dog. You can do it yourself, you can take your dog somewhere and have them train him for you, or you and your dog can attend training classes together. The latter method is one of the best, and not to mention quickest, ways to train your dog as well as learn how to act around your dog in order to get the best results from your training. Dog training is not only about training your dog, it is about you learning as well. That is why it is good to attend training classes with your dog. The trainer can correct you or your dog if either of you make mistakes in your training regimen. If you can attend dog training classes, it is highly recommended that you do. Even if you only go to a few classes, it will give your dog much needed social interaction with other dogs as well as people, all in a controlled environment with a trained professional who can correct you and your dog if need be. Of course you will need to practice your training at home and when going for walks, etc. but dog training classes can be very beneficial to you and your Bulldog or other breed of dog.
Puppy Training
When you first get a young puppy, it is good to bring him around other dogs of the same age so that they can play and learn how to act around other dogs like they would naturally. When we adopt dogs, we usually only take one home from their litter of 4, 5, 6, or maybe even more. Usually they would play with each other and the mother dog would correct them if they misbehave. Since we take them out of that natural environment, it is good to give your puppy a little bit of that experience when we can. Puppy training classes will allow your dogs to have some social interaction with other dogs the same age as well as teach you and your dog the basic training points. This will be the basis for future training, whether in classes or at home. If you can start your dog off with puppy training classes while he is still young, all training in the future will be much, much easier.
Basic Obedience
Once your dog is a little older, he will be ready for basic obedience training. This type of class will teach you and your dog the ins and outs of basic obedience, such as how to sit, stay, and come when called. Basic obedience training is good to teach you how to coax your dog into following your orders. Usually this is achieved with treats or food along with a verbal command at first. When your dog learns certain words and what you want him to do when you say them, you can start to discontinue treats and your dog will automatically follow your command because it has become a reflex to him. Some obedience classes use other training tools such as clickers, which make a clicking noise to teach your dog that he should be listening to you. This is done similar to verbal training with treats: at first you click and give your dog a treat so he starts to learn that when you click he will be rewarded with a treat. Later you can stop giving treats every time and he will simply know to come to you and listen for a command whenever you click the clicker. Whatever method the instructor uses, it is a good idea to give it a try so that your dog learns to listen to you and obey your commands. At first he will be doing it expecting a treat, but later you can simply give him praise, and then your dog will simply follow your orders as second nature. You can still give him treats sometimes but you don’t need to all the time once he learns.
Advanced Training
These training classes will teach your dog more advanced commands, such as tricks and other neat things. Once your dog has mastered the basic training courses, you can try to teach him more advanced commands in a more advanced training class. This type of class will build upon what your dog has learned in the previous classes. For instance if your dog learned how to sit and stay in the basic training course, your instructor might have you teach him how to stay for long periods of time without moving. Another variation on this is to have your dog sit and stay in one spot while you walk out of sight, and then stay until you come back and release him. This is very hard for most dogs to do even if they know how to stay. Once they lose sight of you they think they should search and find you. It is hard to break dogs of this natural reflex, so it may take a while to teach your dog how to stay even when you leave his line of sight. Other things they might teach in an advanced class are tricks and fun commands, such as how to shake hands or high five, how to roll over, how to play dead, how to fetch your slippers or the newspaper, and much more. Many instructors will take requests as well, for example if you want to teach your dog how to fetch his leash when it’s time for a walk, or any other command that you want to teach your dog. If you have a dog that already follows basic commands but you want to teach him a little more, this type of class is right for you.
Agility Course Training
These training classes will teach your dog how to run through an obstacle or agility course. These types of courses have many different obstacles for your dog to maneuver, such as tunnels, ramps, teeter-totters, balance beams, and more. If you want your dog to compete in agility competitions in the future, these classes are a must. Or if you just want to give your dog a little bit of variety in his exercise, these classes can be very fun. Imagine showing off your dog’s new tricks to all your friends and family, having him jump through hoops and balance on a narrow platform. Even if you don’t ever plan on having your dog compete in this type of course, it is very fun and stimulating for you and your dog. It will wear him out mentally and physically, so he won’t be digging through the trash and ripping up your furniture while you are at work. If you have already mastered the other training classes, this is a fun alternative to the other obedience style classes.
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